Summer Camps

Music Ministry
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Music Ministry
The goal of our collective as a musical group is to preach the Gospel through our music and a songs and praise the name of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Church Planting
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Church Planting
Every year since 1991, together with various missions and churches, we have been holding evangelistic meetings to open new churches.
Children Ministry
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Children Ministry
Thanks to the sacrificial support of Christians from different countries, we could help to some orphans and children who, for various reasons, are in extreme need.
Summer Camps
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Summer Camps
Since 2000, we, the members of the group "Kovcheg", are organizing and conducting children's Christian camps for hundreds of children.
Spread the Gospel
There is a lot of work around us, and it is so good to do this work all together!
Join our ministry! This can be done in different ways: through prayer, financial support, sending parcels to the needy.