We were four days in Slavyansk region and had eight services in different villages: Slavyanogorsk, Andreevka, Mayaky, Malinovka, Orekhovatka, Slavyansk, Alexandrovka, met with children, teenagers, immigrants, and local residents.
We were pleasantly surprised to see a large number of children. Everything is interested for them, their hearts are not so spoiled and embittered yet, and they are simple and natural. Just kind like sponge, they absorb everything they hear; the “soil” of their hearts is able to receive the seed of the Word of God.
Becoming teenagers, at the age of 15-16, many of them will leave their villages and go to big cities, and only few of them will return. And what was sown in their hearts during their childhood, it will give fruit in their adulthood life! Therefore, we pay great attention to serving children and especially orphans.
Over a 20-year period, we visited Slavyansk and its environs a very first time. The war began in Ukraine from this area, where are still many broken houses. Hearts of people, who survived, are sensitive to words of compassion and encouragement, and need hope, comfort and support. For four days, we sang and talked about salvation in Jesus Christ. There were many listeners: there was repentance!
I want to end with the words of Christ: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, so pray the Lord of the harvest, that He send the laborers into His harvest.” (Luke 10: 2) In Ukrainian small villages and cities, where there are practically no churches, there is a lot of harvest!