Jun 24, 2021

Work Camp 2021

The time before the start of the camps in the Christian spiritual center “Hope” is always full of scurry and worries. This year, from June the 15th to June the 19th, the staff ofRead More

Jun 24, 2021

Summer Plans

Summer is the time for children’s camps. Despite the quarantine, the government of Ukraine allows camps to be held. Initially, we planned 8 camps, but there were more willing children, and therefore, byRead More

Jun 24, 2021

What Has Been Done in 2020

Dear friends, we would like to share with you the information about our team’s ministry our mission over the past 2020, so that you would continue to pray for this. For 7 yearsRead More

Feb 6, 2021

We do it together with you!

For each of us, this year was special, filled with experiences, expectations of change, uncertainty – what would tomorrow bring to us. I think many of you will agree that this year evenRead More

Nov 3, 2020

Covid 19 Needs

Dear Brothers and Sisters:This year the Ark Singers were able to make their bi-annual trip to the East Coast of the United States. We want to thank-you for your prayers and generosity. Their timeRead More

Sep 10, 2020

Potato Mission

Quarantine left many without work and finances. Additionally new changes in the legislation of Ukraine on social assistance deprived many families of their only financial support. This year we could purchase and distributeRead More